CFP: Caryl Phillips Conference (Belgium) (4/20/06; 12/1/06-12/2/06)
Caryl Phillips: 25 Years of Writing
University of Li=E8ge (Belgium)
1st and 2nd December 2006
Strange Fruit, Caryl Phillips's first play, came out twenty-five years =
ago, in 1981. This publication marked the beginning of an impressive =
body of writing which so far includes eight award-winning novels, three =
volumes of essays, two anthologies, two screenplays and three other =
stage plays, as well as several unpublished dramatic pieces and =
countless press articles.=20
To celebrate this anniversary the CEREP (Centre d'enseignement et de =
recherche en =E9tudes post-coloniales) of the University of Li=E8ge =
(Belgium) is organizing a two-day conference on 1st and 2nd December =
2006. Caryl Phillips himself will be present and will give a keynote =
address at the end of the symposium.=20
Please send your proposals for papers on any aspect of Caryl Phillips's =
writing to B=E9n=E9dicte Ledent ( by 20 April 2006. A =
response will reach you by the beginning of May 2006. All enquiries are =
welcome, but information concerning registration will only be available =
at a later date.=20
For more information on Caryl Phillips:
B=E9n=E9dicte Ledent
Daria Tunca
Imen Najar
Universit=E9 de Li=E8ge
D=E9partement d'anglais
Place Cockerill, 3-5
B-4000 Li=E8ge
Tel: +32-(0)4-366.54.39
Fax: +32-(0)4-366.57.21
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Apr 04 2006 - 11:02:56 EDT