CFP: Negritude: Legacy and Present Relevance (Barbados) (5/15/06; 10/26/06-10/27/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Kahiudi Mabana
contact email: 


26-27 Octobre 2006
University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados

Dans le cadre de l'Ann=E9e Senghor proclam=E9e par la Francophonie, le =
D=E9partement de Langue, Linguistique et Litt=E9rature, de =
l'Universit=E9 des West Indies, Cave Hill Campus (Barbade) organise un =
colloque Senghor du 26 au 27 octobre 2006 sur le th=E8me "N=E9gritude : =
H=E9ritage et Actualit=E9"
Comm=E9morant le centenaire de la naissance de L=E9opold S=E9dar =
Senghor, ce colloque se propose de pr=E9senter la n=E9gritude sous =
diff=E9rents aspects, d'analyser l'ouvre, la pens=E9e de Senghor et des =
=E9crivains de la N=E9gritude, d'=E9tudier l'histoire, la pens=E9e, la =
culture et les litt=E9ratures francophones actuelles au regard de leur =
connexion =E0 la N=E9gritude.=20

Le professeur Abiola IRELE, =E9diteur des Selected Poems of Leopold =
Sedar Senghor (1977), c=E9l=E8bre auteur de The African Experience in =
Literature and Ideology (1981) et de The African Imagination: Literature =
in Africa and the Black Diaspora (2001), sera l'orateur invit=E9 =
sp=E9cial du Colloque Senghor.

Les sujets porteront concr=E8tement sur des th=E8mes aussi vari=E9s que =
- L=E9opold S=E9dar Senghor et Aim=E9 C=E9saire
- La Francophonie, Langues et N=E9gritude
- Les litt=E9ratures post-coloniales et la N=E9gritude
- Identit=E9(s) noire(s) dans le monde francophone
- Les mouvements h=E9ritiers de la N=E9gritude : Antillanit=E9, =
- La contestation et le d=E9bat sur la N=E9gritude
- L'=E9tat actuel des litt=E9ratures africaine et antillaise
- Ecritures ind=E9pendantes ou en marge de la N=E9gritude
- Histoire post-coloniale et Cultures
- Dialogue des Cultures et Mondialisation=20
- Philosophies d'Afrique et des Antilles
- R=E9ponses/Divergences filmiques et artistiques vis-=E0-vis de la =

Est =E9galement pr=E9vue une table ronde qui r=E9unira =E9crivains et =
sp=E9cialistes francophones, hispanophones, anglophones pr=E9sents.

Les langues du colloque sont l'anglais et le fran=E7ais. La publication =
d'actes est envisageable.
Frais d'inscription : 50 US$
Les r=E9sum=E9s de 250-300 mots, accompagn=E9s d'un CV, sont =E0 envoyer =
au plus tard le 15 mai 2006 par e-mail ou fax =E0 :
Isabelle Constant: Fax : 1246-424-0634
Kahiudi C. Mabana : Fax : 1246-424-0634


October 26-27, 2006
University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados

This year has been declared the Year of Senghor. The Department of =
Language, Linguistics and Literature of the University of the West =
Indies, Cave Hill Campus (Barbados) organizes a colloquium from October =
26-27, 2006 entitled "Negritude: Legacy and Present Relevance".
To commemorate the centennial of Leopold Sedar Senghor's birth, this =
colloquium aims to present different aspects of Negritude, analyzing the =
work and thought of Senghor and the other members of the Negritude =
movement, focusing on the history, the thought, the culture and the =
present francophone literatures with regard to their connection to =

Professor Abiola IRELE of Harvard University, editor of Selected Poems =
of Leopold Sedar Senghor (1977), acclaimed author of The African =
Experience in Literature and Ideology (1981) and The African =
Imagination: Literature in Africa and the Black Diaspora (2001), will be =
the Guest Speaker at the Senghor Colloquium.=20

We invite proposals for papers on the following topics:=20
- L=E9opold Sedar Senghor
- Aim=E9 C=E9saire
- Francophonie, Languages and Negritude=20
- Post-colonial Literature and Negritude
- Black Identities in the Francophone World
- Movements heirs of Negritude: Antillanity, Cr=E9olness
- Challenging and Debate on Negritude
- Present day status of African and Caribbean Literatures
- Creative Writings Independent from/outside Negritude=20
- Post-colonial History and Cultures
- Dialogue of Cultures and Globalization=20
- Philosophies of Africa and the Caribbean
- Filmic and Artistic Responses/Divergences towards Negritude

A Round Table of selected Francophone, Hispanic and Anglophone writers =
and scholars will form part of the Colloquium.

Papers may be presented either in English or in French.
Registration Fee: 50 US$
Please send abstracts of 250-300 words, with CV, by email of fax by May =
15, 2006 to:
Isabelle Constant: Fax : 1246-424-0634
Kahiudi C. Mabana : Fax : 1246-424-0634

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Received on Tue Apr 04 2006 - 11:02:25 EDT
