UPDATE: Male Sexuality in the Female Mind (6/15/06; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Anna Fåhraeus
contact email: 

Male Sexuality in the Female Mind =96 from Aphra Behn to Annie Proulx

We are putting together a collection of essays that focus on how male=20
sexuality has been represented by women writers, from Aphra Behn=92s=20
post-Restoration drama to Annie Proulx=92s Brokeback Mountain). The=20
objective of the study is to highlight, trace and analyze=20
representations of male desire and sexuality through texts (literary,=20
cinematic, cyber, etc) in order to explore how male sexuality is and=20
has been imagined and re-imagined by women writers. It is hoped and=20
expected that the collection will find a readership both inside and=20
outside academia.

Abstract length 1200 words. Proposal deadline EXTENDED to June 15, 2006=20=

(original deadline April 1). Essay length 4000-7000 words. Submission=20
deadline October 15, 2006. If submissions have been published elsewhere=20=

or been proposed for publication in another source, this must be=20
indicated. All proposals/submissions should include the name, address,=20=

academic affiliation, email, and phone number of the submitter/author=20
and should be sent to anna.fahraeus_at_eng.gu.se. (cc:=20

If you are interested in seeing a previous collection that AnnKatrin=20
and I have worked on, please visit the academic publishing house Rodopi=20=

at their website at http://www.rodopi.nl. Type in Textual Ethos Studies=20=

in their search engine.

The collection "Male Sexuality in the Female Mind" does not have a=20
publisher as yet. A proposal will be made with the accepted abstracts.

The central question for this new collection is how male sexuality (and=20=

their relationship to their own sexuality and its place in the=20
conceptualization of masculinity) is portrayed by female writers, i.e.

Other related questions and possible perspectives:

-- What happens to male sexuality in feminist writing of relationships?=20=

--The female gaze and the objectification/commodification/fragmentation=20=

of the male body.
-- Indeterminate sexualities: androgyny, transsexuality and=20
cross-dressing/cross-sexing in (post)modernism: Woolf, Carter, Acker,=20
Duncker, etc.
-- African-American male sexuality as represented in e.g. Morrison,=20
Walker, etc.
-- Male sexuality/desire as represented in gothic fiction by women,=20
i.e. Radcliffe, Shelley.
--The gothic in the 21st centure, or the "postmodern gothic," in, for=20
ex. Louise Welsh, The Cutting Room, Tamburlaine Must Die
-- Male sexuality in Queer Crime Fiction/The Queer Detective
-- Male sexuality and the Victorians, Romantics, Modernists, etc.=20
-- The phenomenon of slash fan fiction, i.e. female writers writing=20
male-male relationships

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Received on Tue Apr 04 2006 - 11:03:10 EDT