CFP: Mimeograph Revolution (4/25/06; MSA 8, 10/19/06-10/22/06)
"The Mimeograph Revolution and the Avant-Garde"
Proposed Panel for Modernist Studies Association
Annual Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma
October 19-22, 2006
In recognition of MSA8=92s host city, this proposed panel seeks papers =20=
on the work of Joe Brainard, Ted Berrgian, and Ron Padgett. Although =20
generally associated with the second-generation New York School, =20
these figures might also be usefully identified with the city in =20
which their collaboration began: Tulsa, Oklahoma. Indeed, as =20
significant as is their debt to Ashbery, O=92Hara, and company, in many =20=
ways this filial relation has obscured the degree to which their work =20=
represents its own important contribution to the history of avant-=20
gardism. This panel seeks to examine their participation in the so-=20
called =93mimeograph revolution=94 of the 1960s as an extension of =20
historical avant-garde movements such as dada and surrealism. Papers =20
that treat archival materials such as _=93C=94 a Journal of Poetry_ in =20=
relation to the little magazines through which modernism was =20
propagated are especially welcome. In addition, papers might explore =20
the techniques of collage, appropriation, and mistranslation with =20
which Brainard, Berrigan, and Padgett created and transformed their =20
own archive of source material. Please send a one page abstract and a =20=
brief cv to by April 25.=
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Apr 07 2006 - 10:38:03 EDT