CFP: Sub/versions: Cultural Status, Genre and Critique (grad) (UK) (5/1/06; 6/30/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Christopher Murray
contact email: 


4th Annual Postgraduate Conference, Department of English, University
of Dundee

Friday 30th June 2006

Call For Papers

The Fourth Annual Department of English Postgraduate Conference will be
held this year at the University of Dundee on Friday June 30th. This
interdisciplinary postgraduate conference invites proposals for papers
under the heading 'Sub/Versions: Cultural Status, Genre and
Critique', and will explore texts that exist in various forms, and
in different media, and the changes that are made between versions, and
how some of those changes might subvert the original. Suggested topics
include (but are not limited to): subversion, translation, surrealism,
parody and satire, the "re-imagined" text, disguise, the
carnivalesque, performance, gender, escapism, narration, modes of
perception and reception. A range of texts and media may be considered,
from literature, to artwork, films, animation, and comics. We would also
like to encourage papers that focus on certain genres, including
fantasy, horror, science-fiction, romance, and children's literature.

The Plenary speaker will be Roger Sabin (Central St Martin's College
of Art and Design).

Proposals for papers (250-300 words) of twenty minutes in length should
be sent to:

Pauline McPherson
Postgraduate Representative
Dept. of English
University of Dundee
Perth Road

or E-mail:

Deadline for proposals: 1st May 2006
Confirmation of Acceptance by: 8th May 2006

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Apr 07 2006 - 10:38:03 EDT
