CFP: Nature and Human Nature: Land, Landscape and Cultural Constructions of the Environment (India) (7/10/06; 9/21/06-9/23/06)

full name / name of organization: 
murali s
contact email: 



* International Conference on*

*Nature and Human Nature*: Land, Landscape and Cultural Constructions of th=

*21st-23rd September 2006*

*Venue: Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India *

* *


The Conference intends to foreground and close-examine the intimate
relations and biological ties existing between Literature and the
Environment. Indeed *environment* as a concept, for obvious reasons, cannot
be seen separate or segregated from the *cultural* and *natural* spheres.
And *literature* by virtue of being what it is=97creative, imaginative,
emotive and expressive=97 could be seen as engaging with the human mind and
the natural world. Of course the natural world cannot be disrespectfully
dismissed as being part of the simulated reality! It is there, and we form
an intimate and integral part of it. This would form the major concern of
the Conference=97the living connection between nature and the human being.

Ecological and environmental concerns appear to be self evident in the
present. We hear a lot about eco- crisis, eco-logic, eco-tourism and so on.
In view of the amazing amount of sophisticated theoretical debates that are
going on in academic and scholarly circles these days one could safely
venture to state that ecological thinking has come to stay with us. This is
definitely the *Age of Ecology*. This might be certainly not very well
equally applicable in all situations, climes and cultures. Nature is no mor=
looked upon as a dauntless adversary to be over come and controlled. The
human being's dominant role as conqueror and overlord of the land and other
nonhuman life has been conveniently laid aside.

However, in spite of the *Earth Summits*, the innumerable conventions and
gatherings, the *Kyoto protocol* and many such, there yet remains a certain
amount of *cloud of unknowing* when it comes to a self realization of
ecological wisdom and its implications in the living situation. Human being=
are certainly an integral part of nature and yet they have evolved to a
level of superiority that enables them to manipulate their environment, and
that too drastically. The hole in the ozone layer and the unprecedented
crisis in mineral, forest produce and oil management and climatic condition=
are all indicative of this deterministic position. Science and its
handmaiden technology have contributed to an oversimplified view of this
hierarchical status of the human being. On the other hand cultural-studies
have unearthed the manifold and pluralistic universe within, which has
complicated matters even further.

What is nature? Is it what is out there or what is within? What is *land*,
and where does *region* begin and end? What is landscape? How is it
constituted? What are its philosophical, ethical and aesthetic implications=
These are some among the critical questions which this Conference intends t=
*problematise*. Some of the broad areas under which these could be discusse=

1. Nature and the natural=97interface between the hard sciences and t=

2. landscape studies

3. environmental issues and positions

4. social and ethical issues related to land and land use/abuse

5. art and literature=97the aesthetics of nature and the natural

6. eco feminist studies=97women and nature

7. culture and nature

8. ecology, biodiversity, bio ethics

9. pollution and contamination=97over exploitation of nature

10. philosophical positions

This Conference hopes to bring together a diverse group of concerned
intellectuals from different disciplines, scholars, academics, environmenta=
activists equally committed to these issues and equally open to each other'=
individual, methodological and disciplinary differences and points of view.

Papers are invited from interested participants. For all enquiries kindly
contact the coordinator.

Conference Coordinator: *Dr S Murali, *Reader, Dept. of English, Pondicherr=
University, Pondicherry-605014, phones: 0413-2655991-351(office)
0413-2656101(home) email:

Abstracts to reach the coordinator by JULY 10th 2006. Kindly send a har=
copy + CD version to E-16, Professor's Quarters, Pondicherry University,
Pondicherry 605 014 India =96 suggestions for panels are also welcome.

--Dr S. MuraliReaderDepartment of EnglishPondicherry UniversityPondicherry India 605 014phones: 0413-2655991-351 (office)0413-2656101(home)email:; ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Wed Apr 12 2006 - 10:25:33 EDT
