CFP: Postcolonial Text: Ireland (12/31/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Ranjini Mendis


Call For Submissions ? <i>Postcolonial Text,i/> ? Special Issue: Ireland.=20
E=F3in Flannery (ed.)=20

<i>Postcolonial Text<i/> is an open access, electronic journal, which is=20
both internationally peer-reviewed and accessible to a global readership.=20
The editors now seek submissions for a specially-themed volume on Ireland=20
and postcolonialism.=20

Over the last three decades Irish Studies has witnessed, and been the=20
subject of, significant critical and theoretical interrogations. Primary=20
among these theoretical trajectories has been the postcolonial turn in=20
Irish Studies. Indeed it is arguable whether Irish Studies as an=20
international academic and critical discipline would be the force that it=20
undeniably has become without the impetus of Ireland's inflection of=20
postcolonial studies.=20

The significance of Ireland's co-option into debates on colonial history=20
and postcoloniality is, as Robert Young argues, that the very 'forms of=20
revolutionary and cultural activism developed by the Irish against the=20
entrenched self-interest of its rule by the British aristocracy and=20
bourgeoisie meant that it remained the standard bearer for all=20
anti-colonial movements in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries'.=20
Equally, the militant critical output of post-war African anti-colonial=20
writers and activists, as well as the later revisionist historians of=20
Indian nationalism, has provided Irish postcolonial studies with=20
theoretical resources with which to confront anew Ireland's colonial=20
history and postcolonial present and futures. In other words, Irish=20
postcolonial studies belongs to a protracted continuum of resistant=20
engagement and to a historically constituted circulatory system of=20
theoretical and ideational exchange. As Irish postcolonial criticism=20
demonstrates, the legacies of colonial trauma and the ethical negotiations =

of postcolonial recovery are irreducible to the logic of economic=20
statistics, geographical location, or racial or ethnic contiguity. Thus=20
readings of such a prolonged colonial occupation have the capacity to=20
expand and to contest the mandate of global postcolonial studies.=20

Essays are invited from all disciplinary backgrounds, including=20
literature, history, politics, sociology, visual studies, law, languages,=20
and philosophy. Among the issues that might be addressed in potential=20
contributions are Ireland and modernisation; historical revisionism; the=20
Irish body; diaspora; the Irish language; migrancy; women's studies;=20
women's history; utopianism; Irish republicanism; religious missions;=20
charity and empire; cosmopolitanism and postcolonial theory; cultural=20
trauma; postcolonial gothic; architecture and empire; globalisation and=20
Ireland; the history of medicine and empire; cross-colonial solidarity=20

Deadline for submissions: December 31st 2006. Essays need to be submitted=20
to the journal by logging into and following the pr=
ompts. You may also mail a hard copy to the Guest=20
Editor of this issue, E=F3in Flannery, Department of Languages and Cultural=
Studies, College of Humanities, University of Limerick, Ireland (E mail add=

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Received on Wed Apr 12 2006 - 10:25:03 EDT