UPDATE: theory@buffalo: Aesthetics and Finitude (6/12/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Nicole M. Jowsey
contact email: 

UPDATE: We are extending our initial deadline. We will be accepting=20
submissions until June 12, 2006.

Interdisciplinary journal,Theory_at_buffalo, seeks submissions for its=20
2006 issue (#11) on the theme of
Aesthetics and Finitude.

  The rise of modern aesthetics in the eighteenth century is well known,=20=

as is its inherently contradictory character:a philosophical category=20
concerned with the articulation of the supersensible in the sensory=20
world, aesthetics is at once grounded in the realm of sensuous life=97in=20=

the particular and concrete=97while simultaneously gesturing toward the=20=

universal and transcendent. With the continued erosion in the West of=20
metaphysical/teleological narratives of transcendence, however, there=20
has been an increased philosophical occupation with the problem of=20
finitude, concomitant with a heightened awareness of the relation=20
between art, aesthetics, and death. Our question then, is this: how has=20=

the nature of art and aesthetics changed in the wake of the losses and=20=

de-centerings brought about in modern philosophical thought? What is=20
the future of aesthetics in a postmodern world?
  We welcome all papers that articulate the relationship between=20
aesthetics and finitude in the fields of art, film, visual studies,=20
literature and philosophy. Possible topics might include: the=20
relationship of death to Being, the death of art or the relationship of=20=

art to death, the role of finitude in modern/postmodern thought, the=20
Kantian inheritance of postmodern aesthetics, the finitude of an=20
aesthetic or artistic work, the position of art and aesthetics in the=20
philosophical realm (specific philosophical perspectives could come=20
from Hegel, Heidegger, Foucault, Deleuze, Lyotard, Baudrillard and=20
Kristeva among numerous others), and the relationship between=20
nontranscendence and finite aesthetics.

Submissions from any disciplinary field will be considered: social=20
theory, literary studies, political theory, philosophy, cultural=20
studies, media studies, etc.

Theory_at_buffalo also accepts book reviews. These can be on any topic and=20=

must be 1200 words or less. All other submissions should be 10,000=20
words maximum. Please send two blind copies with a cover page and disk=20=

to the address below.

Alternatively, you may send the paper as a MS Word attachment to=20
jrestes_at_buffalo.edu, or nmjowsey_at_buffalo.edu,
  re: theory_at_buffalo 11.

  Department of Comparative Literature
  638 Clemens Hall
  University at Buffalo
  Buffalo, New York, 14260

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Wed Apr 12 2006 - 10:24:49 EDT