CFP: American Periodicals (9/30/06; journal issue)
_American Periodicals: A Journal of History, Criticism, and
Bibliography_ invites contributions on all issues related to
periodical studies, including theoretical interventions in the field,
studies of specific publications or historical figures, and
pedagogical approaches to working with periodicals. We are eager for
essays addressing everything from the earliest colonial newspapers
and nineteenth-century literary magazines to contemporary
periodicals, 'zines, and electronic serials. For consideration for
the 2007-08 issues, please send submissions by September 30, 2006.
In 2007 _American Periodicals_ will be publishing a special issue on
"Periodical Comics and Cartoons", guest edited by Lucy Caswell, with
Jared Gardner. We are calling for essays on any area of periodical
comics--including eighteenth-century political cartoons, nineteenth-
century illlustrated magazines, twentieth-century newspaper
comicstrips or serial comicbooks, or new media periodical comics and
possibilities. The essays should consider the difference a periodical/
serial context makes to the comics and/or the difference comics makes
to the periodical form. For consideration for the Special Issue on
Periodical Comics and Cartoons, please submit your essay by December
1, 2006.
Further information about the journal can be found at the Press's
website: . _American Periodicals_ is
also published electronically at ProjectMuse:
_American Periodicals_ is published twice a year, and it is the
journal of the Research Society for American Periodicals. Information
about the Society can be found at:
_American Periodicals_ is a peer reviewed journal. Manuscripts should
conform to the 15th edition of _The Chicago Manual of Style_, double-
spaced (including quotations and notes), and be roughly limited to
12,000 words. Submissions are accepted electronically as email
attachments at If hard copy submission is preferred,
please send two hard copies of the manuscript, along with a self-
addressed return envelope. Electronic submissions will receive
electronic reports.
Please direct all contributions and inquiries to:
American Periodicals
Department of English
The Ohio State University
164 W. 17th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Apr 16 2006 - 09:05:31 EDT