CFP: Chance and Control Forum (grad) (7/14/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
CS Altree
contact email: 

CFP: 'Chance and Control' Forum: University of Edinburgh Postgraduate
Journal of Culture and the Arts (07/14/06)

The autumn 2006 issue of Forum addresses the interrelated concepts of
chance and control. Notions such as freewill and determinism, structure
and agency, and order and chaos have long informed the practice of
literature, art, music, cinema, performance and other cultural forms,
prompting questions such as:

What is the nature of the interactions between art and rules,
ownership, imagination, generic convention and/or a creator figure?
Is there a relationship between (un)certainty and the (post)modern condition?
If there are rules of artistic creation, how are they influenced by
gender, class, ethnicity, sexuality etc.?

Areas for discussion might include:

Politics and the rule of law
Dissident ideas and official voices
The media and censorship
Evolution and revolution
Heuristics and stochastics
Identity, discipline and excess
The planned and the random
Description and prescription
Games of narrative and language
Postmodernity and uncertainty
Structures of opportunity and risk
Emancipation and imprisonment
It should be noted that these are suggestions rather than absolutes.

The deadline for article submissions is 14th July 2006. Papers should
be between 3,000 and 5,000 words and formatted in accordance with the
MLA guidelines and should be submitted to
Information can be found at the journal website http//

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Apr 16 2006 - 09:05:46 EDT