CFP: Conciliation/Reconciliation (France) (5/31/06; 12/7/06-12/9/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Jean-Paul Barbiche


International Conference of the GRIC
December 7-9th 2006
LE HAVRE University (France)

We have the pleasure to let you know that the 2nd international
conference of the Groupe de Recherche Identités et Cultures (GRIC) will
be held at the University of Le Havre (France) on December 7-9th 2006.
It is intended to be an interdisciplinary Conference having as a central
unifying theme : "Conciliation and Reconciliation".
We would be pleased to bring together the following fields of research :
1- Humanities (arts, civilisation, literature, linguistics and semiology)
2- Law, political science and economy

In the following geographical areas : the European Union – North America
– Latin America
the ACP countries- Oceania, the Asia-Pacific area –

NB : Please let us know the title of the paper you would like to submit
by the end of May 2006. We would appreciate to receive a summary of your
paper (500 words) . The list of the papers included in the Conference
will be finalized at the end of June 2006. Confirmation will be sent to
applicants by that date.

Conference registration fees : 60 €uros (PhD students 30 €uros)
After mid-September : 80 €uros (40 €uros for students)

Could you please send your proposal before the end of May 2006 to the
conference secretariat :

Michele Goussin (

Postal address:
Université du Havre
Faculté des Affaires internationales
GRIC Secrétariat du colloque « Conciliation et Réconciliation » bureau C
25, rue Philippe Lebon
BP 420
76057 Le Havre Cedex France

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Received on Sun Apr 16 2006 - 09:05:46 EDT
