CFP: Scripts for Puppet Theatre (7/25/06; journal issue)
Call for Papers: Puppetry International special issue on puppet scripts
For a special issue of Puppetry International dedicated to scripts for
puppet theatre, the editors invite submissions including examples of
historical and contemporary puppet scripts from all parts of the world
and from all eras.
In addition, for the peer-reviewed section of this issue we invite
submission of short articles (2,000 words, including bibliography and
notes) analyzing the nature of puppet scripts, text as an element of
puppet performance, or the development of genres in puppet dramaturgy.
Contributors will receive a copy of the magazine and may retain the
copyright to their work; minor publication expenses can be covered as
well. Use of images is encouraged. Submissions should be in MLA format.
Please send submissions as Microsoft Word attachments in RTF format to
John Bell: and Andrew Periale: Please include contact information and a brief
biography. The deadline for submissions is July 25, 2006.
Puppetry International is the bi-annual publication of UNIMA-USA, the
United States chapter of the Union International de la Marionette, the
world's oldest theater organization
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Apr 16 2006 - 09:05:24 EDT