CFP: Situated Student Writing and Basic Composition (4/24/06; CCCC, 3/21/07-3/24/07)
2007 CCCC Annual Conference "Representing Identities"
New York, March 21-24, 2007
Panel Proposal: "Thinking Against the Grain:" Situated Student Writing and Basic Composition"
In "Inventing the University" David Bartholomae remarks that "every time a student sits down to write, he has to invent the university": in other words, the student must utilize the discursive practices that are recognized as legitimate for the effective and credible communication of knowledge. As teachers working with basic writers, this leads us to ask: Which students are successful in inventing the university and what lies behind this success? Specifically, how does the student's lived experience help or hinder her in "inventing the university?" This last question will be the focus of this panel; in our discussion we will explore the hypothesis that students whose lived experience encompasses a particular discipline*such as military, or health professionals*are more able to "invent the university" precisely because of their immersion in activities which necessitate a unique epistemology*one which trains the mind to look at "the wider world" within a particular paradigm!
Papers are invited that investigate the intersection of basic writing skills and participation in a profession (business, music, art, dance, etc.); we are especially interested in papers which examine how immersion in a discipline, such as music, art, or medicine affects basic student writing (in the freshman/sophomore years).
Please note that we are proposing this panel for the conference; we can not guarantee acceptance into the conference.
Please send abstracts of no more than 200 words by April 24 to
Jennifer Rich
English Department
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549
Please write abstract proposal on subject line.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Apr 16 2006 - 09:05:00 EDT