CFP: Visual Culture and Collaboration: Callaloo Special Issue (11/1/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Meta Jones
contact email: 

Call for Papers

Special Issue on Visual Culture. In celebration of its 30th =20
anniversary and its commitment to exploring the intersection of =20
literary and visual art, Callaloo will publish an issue that focuses =20
on visual culture and collaboration in the African American context. =20
This special visual culture issue will feature visual and written =20
works that examine the important crossroads=97where literary and visual =20=

art meet=97that Callaloo provides. We seek, then, creative responses, =20=

critical reflections, texts, prose fiction and nonfiction, poetry, =20
and/or critical essays that: look historically, analytically, or =20
musingly at how visual images function within the pages and on the =20
covers of previous issues of Callaloo; reflect on the role the =20
journal has played in the careers of artists, writers, and artist-=20
writers; and/or consider how artistic identity is portrayed, =20
represented, and performed textually and visually in the space of the =20=

journal. We also seek creative and critical tracts that think =20
philosophically about collaborations and interactions among artists, =20
authors, and visual culture sites; relationships between visual and =20
literary art; the challenges of bridging disciplines when writing =20
about visual and/or literary art; and/or the similarities and =20
differences in conjuring and interpreting images in different media. =20
Texts that contemplate the making and/or experiencing of art, =20
exhibitions, and visual culture; the roles of arts education or =20
pedagogy in the development of literary and visual art; the written =20
descriptions and interpretations of visual culture, sites, and =20
phenomena; the memorialization of African American people, art, and =20
culture in museums and other visual culture sites; and the collecting =20=

of art of/by African American or African Diasporic artists, among =20
others, will likewise be considered. We also appreciate projects that =20=

assess ways that race, gender, sexuality, class or ability inflect or =20=

influence the above or other related topics.

Paper submissions should be 3000-5000 words and follow MLA format. =20
Poetry, creative and/or curatorial responses may be significantly =20
shorter. Artist proposals should include text and electronic images. =20
Please include a 200-word bio and abbreviated curriculum vitae with =20
your submission. Submit in triplicate, along with contact information =20=

by November 1, 2006, to:

Callaloo/ Visual Culture
Department of English
Texas A&M University
4227 TAMU
College Station, TX 77483-4227

Direct questions and any other correspondence to guest editors,

Meta DuEwa Jones:
Cherise Smith: cherise_smith@
B. Stephen Carpenter, II:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Apr 16 2006 - 09:05:39 EDT
