CFP: American Name Society Annual Meeting (8/1/06; 1/4/07-1/7/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Priscilla Ord
contact email: 

April 17, 2006

    The American Name Society (ANS), an academic professional =
organization devoted to the study of names and their role in society, =
invites pr=E9cis and abstracts for papers and program suggestions for =
its annual meeting to be held in conjunction with the Linguistic Society =
of America (LSA), the American Dialect Society (ADS), and other allied =
professional organizations at the Anaheim Hilton, Anaheim, CA, January =
4-7, 2007.

    Papers in any area of onomastics are appropriate, but papers that =
focus on literary onomastics are encouraged. A pr=E9cis of not more =
than 500 words for anonymous review, along with a 100-word abstract for =
publication in both the LSA Meeting Handbook and the ANS meeting program =
should be submitted as soon as possible but not later than August 1, =
2006. In the pr=E9cis the subject of the proposed paper should be =
stated in a simple, topic sentence, which is then effectively supported =
by substantiating information and specific examples.

    The preferred mode of transmission for both the pr=E9cis and =
accompanying abstract is by introductory e-mail with attachment(s) sent =
to They may, however, also be sent via surface mail =
to: P. A. Ord, 414 High Earls Road, Westminster, MD 21158-3710. =20

    Further information about the Linguistic Society of America and the =
conference may be obtained at Additional information =
about the American Name Society and its annual meeting is available at =

    Thank you for your assistance in disseminating this information.


Priscilla A. Ord, Vice President/Program Chair
American Name Society

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Apr 21 2006 - 11:07:40 EDT