CFP: Reading Callaloo, Eating Callaloo (7/1/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Shona Jackson
contact email: 





Callaloo is currently putting together material for a special issue in
celebration of its 30th anniversary, to be published in January 2007. =
issue focuses on the cultural, social, and political meaning of callaloo =
its significance for and relationship to the journal. In its =
exploration of
the food (calalu, dasheen, spinach, etc.) and the dish, this issue of =
journal is not limited to callaloo but considers its other
manifestations=97for example, carur=FA in Brazil, pepperpot in Antigua, =
gumbo in the U.S., dishes that boast a similar m=E9lange of historical,
material, and cultural ingredients. With this issue of Callaloo, we =
look at
the ways in which the dish serves as ritual=97as a social and cultural
gathering point. The issue is, therefore, thematically centered on
interviews about the =93making=94 of this dish in order to explore the =
real and
figurative ground of black diaspora cultural production and consumption.
With its representation of the dish through interviews and recipes, this
special issue of Callaloo is not only a meditation on the relationship =
the vernacular to the literary; it is also an examination of the =
role as metatext and the significance of the oral for physical and
metaphysical survival.=20


We seek submissions in the following areas:


* Unpublished creative work
* Literary and artist=97explorations of the theme
* Critical explorations of Black diaspora food=97history and politics
* Personal Reflections on reading and/or eating callaloo
* Callaloo=92s approach to representing black cultural production
* Racial and Cultural mixture in the diaspora


Callaloo Submission Guidelines:

* MLA Format
* Double spaced, 12 point font in Times Roman or equivalent
* Submissions in triplicate (two blind copies and a cover letter with
author=92s contact information)
* Include an email address or self-addressed envelope (SAE) with
postage sufficient for a letter containing the journal=92s decision


Deadline for submissions: July 1, 2006


Reading Callaloo, Eating Callaloo

Department of English

Texas A&M University

4227 TAMU

College Station, TX 77843-4227


Please direct questions or other correspondence to the Guest Editors for
this issue: Shona N. Jackson (Texas A & M University) at = or
Karina L. Cespedes (UC Berkeley) at

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Received on Fri Apr 21 2006 - 11:06:46 EDT