CFP: State of Stylistics (Finland) (5/31/06; PALA, 7/26/06-7/29/06)

full name / name of organization:

PALA 2006 Joensuu Finland Call for papers
There has been much debate in recent years within the broad
domain of stylistics about how to define this field of
investigation. This same debate most recently arose at our last
gathering in Huddersfield (July 2005). How has stylistics
evolved since the early 1970s? How do we define "stylistics"
today? What are its aims? How do we go about meeting these
aims? Can we realistically reach a consensus? How viable is
stylistics in the 21st century? What could be its main
contributions? To what extent is stylistics an interdisciplinary
venture? The purpose of this conference is to reflect upon
these broad questions: to consider what state the state of
stylistics is in.
We invite you to submit papers that reflect upon the wide
range of methodologies and outlooks that have evolved within
this field during the latter half of the 20th century whilst
considering how they reflect upon the core purpose of stylistic
investigation and indeed just what this core might be. It would
also be interesting to discuss what impact stylistics might have
in future years to come.
Abstracts for papers should be 300-500 words in length, and
must include a title, the author's name, institutional affiliation,
mailing address, email address and any special equipment
needed (overhead projectors and computational projection will
be available in all rooms).
Abstracts for panel discussions and workshops, 300-500
words in length including the same basic informaton as a paper
abstract, are also strongly encouraged. It may be possible to
organise these as pre-conference options, if desired. For
instance, we will be offering a 1 day workshop "Corpus
Approaches to the Language of Literature" on Tuesday 25th
July, and we have 3 special interest group panels during the
conference covering Literature and Film, Narrative Theory,
and Textual Intrepretation.
Papers will be scheduled in strictly enforced 30 minute blocks.
Each paper should be 20 minutes long, thus reserving 10
minutes for questions, discussion, and movement from one
room to another. Panel discussions can be reserved for either
90 or 120 minutes.
NOTE: The final deadline for submission of abstracts has
been extended to May 31st, 2006. Please send these to
pala26_at_joensuu.fiPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=University
of Joensuu Logo"
Martin J. Gliserman, Ph.D., PsyA
Editor Emeritus, American Imago: Psychoanalysis/Culture

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Received on Fri Apr 21 2006 - 11:06:31 EDT