CFP: The Global Political and Social Order (Czhech Republic) (7/5/06; 8/10/06-8/12/06)
This is final conference of a 3-part international,
interdisciplinary conference series. Conference participation is
limited to allow for dialogue around presentation topics. Abstracts
are due 5 July 2006. The conference is 10-12 August 2006, Prague,
Czech Republic. Submissions are welcome from any field of study that
seeks to understand the impact=A0of current political, social and
economic trends, on humanity and its ideas and institutions,
including philosphy, religion, political science, economics,
anthropology, sociology, psychology, cultural studies, literature and
poetry, and=A0visual arts.
General topic examples include syncretism, wars and holy wars,
world orders, globalisation, human rights, personal duty (to country,
family, religion), roles of global political and social welfare
organizations (IMF, World Bank, United Nations, NGOs), or human
Send to Dena Hurst, or
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Apr 21 2006 - 11:06:38 EDT