UPDATE: Anthology on Brokeback Mountain (6/30/06; collection)
Editors are currently seeking scholarly essays (as opposed to personal narratives) that address the movie Brokeback Mountain, and/or Annie Proulx's short story of the same title. The deadline for submissions has been extended until June 30, 2006.
Submit full essays electronically (no abstracts, please) to:
Dr. Annette Olsen-Fazi
Associate Professor of English and French
216 F Pellegrino Hall
Texas A & M International University
5201 University Bld
Laredo, TX 78041-1900
Telephone: (956) 326-2657
Email: aolsen-fazi_at_tamiu.edu
Sender: owner-cfp_at_lists.sas.upenn.edu
Precedence: bulk
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Fri Apr 21 2006 - 11:07:10 EDT