CFP: Black Poetry Out of the Archive (5/6/06; MSA, 10/19/06-10/22/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Grant Jenkins
contact email: 

Call for Papers


Panel for Modernist Studies Association 8

University of Tulsa

Oct 19-22


Black Poetry Out of the Archive


Because poetry written by blacks in the United States since the turn of
the 20^th Century has mainly been defined in terms of its oral or
experiential power, little attention has been given to the literate
aspects of that poetry's development, production, or publication.
Archives, of course, are the record of such literate processes, and many
of the archives of some of modernism and postmodernism's most important
black writers have yet to be adequately studied for the critical light
they can shed on the poetic work.


This panel for the Eighth Annual Modernist Studies Association
conference in Tulsa, OK seeks to address the relationship between the
archives and interpretation of poetry written by African American
modernists. Topic may include but are not limited to the following:


    * Studies of individual writers and their archives
    * Textual criticism of the development of particular works
    * New understandings of poetry facilitated by archival discoveries
    * Reports on discoveries at archives of black modernist writers
    * Use by black poets of archives of other writers/figures/family
    * The politics and economics of archiving the papers African
      American writers
    * The public use/neglect/misuse of archives
    * Needs in the archiving of African American writers
    * Importance of archives to the future of black studies


Please submit a 250-300 word abstract to Grant Matthew Jenkins by email
<> by May 5, 2006.


--G. Matthew JenkinsDirector of the Writing ProgramEnglish DepartmentUniversity of Tulsa600 S. College Ave.Tulsa, OK 74104918.631.2573 ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Tue Apr 25 2006 - 10:18:48 EDT
