CFP: Publishing Contexts of Eighteenth-Century Exploration Narrative (6/1/06; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Dr. R Kent-Drury
contact email: 

The Publishing Contexts of Eighteenth-Century Exploration Narratives

The field of book history research has expanded in recent years to embrace
the entire range of social conditions that may have influenced the
conception, writing, publication, and distribution of books. Recent
research has commented as well on such social factors as reading practices,
patterns, and preferences; shifts in literacy rates; the rise of the
periodical press; the advent of book societies and of public and private
circulating and subscription libraries; and the distribution of printing
facilities outside metropolitan centers. The publication contexts
surrounding one genre-­exploration narrative­-usually have been
described anecdotally or only tangentially to other research.

The purpose of this collection would be to serve as a beginning point for
systematic study of the creation and reception of eighteenth-century
exploration narratives. Essays are invited that describe the contexts
influencing the creation, dissemination, and reception of expedition
narratives to such regions as the south and north Pacific, as well as the
interiors of Africa and the American continent. Cross-disciplinary and
comparative approaches that take into account the narrative ambiguity of
these texts as documents that are both historical and literarily crafted
are particularly welcome. Several essays have already been identified for
inclusion, and a publisher has expressed interest in the collection.

Please send detailed abstracts or essays (preferably by e-mail) by 1 June
2006 to

Dr. Roxanne Kent-Drury
Literature & Language Department
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY 41099

fax: (859) 572-6093

Surface mail submissions should be accompanied by an electronic copy of the

Dr. Roxanne Kent-Drury
Associate Professor
Literature and Language Department
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY 41099

Office: LA543
Phone: (859) 572-6636

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Received on Tue Apr 25 2006 - 10:19:21 EDT