CFP: The Spaces Between and Betwixt - Border Crossing, Cultural Translation and the Subject of English (7/15/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
ABC Journal
contact email: 

The Academic Anglophone Society of Romania seeks contributions for the forthcoming issue of its journal,
American, British and Canadian Studies. In September, ABC will be publishing a Special Issue focusing on The
Spaces between and betwixt: Border crossing, Cultural Translation and the Subject of English. We are thus calling
for submissions on any relevant topic in linguistics, literary and cultural studies involving translation theory
and practice, including theoretical interventions, creative-critical essays on emergent subfields, and
pedagogical approaches to working with translation. We are especially eager for academic articles addressing
translation as a nexus for comparatism and intercultural reading. For consideration for the September issue,
please send submissions to by July 15. ABC is an international, peer-reviewed journal
that sets out to explore interdisciplinary developments in Anglophone Studies in the changing environment forged
by the intersections of culture, technology and electronic information. Our primary goal is to bring together in
productive dialogue scholars conducting advanced research in the theoretical humanities. As well as offering
innovative approaches to influential crosscurrents in current thinking, the journal seeks to contribute fresh
angles to the academic subject of English and promote shape-changing research across conventional boundaries. To
respond to the increasing demands of ‘acceleration’ in the twenty-first century, an electronic edition of the
journal is now being made available, offering full access to subscribers, and free access to the tables of
contents and abstracts of each issue to non-subscribers. Within the proposed range of diversity, our major scope
is to provide close examinations and lucid analyses of the role and future of the academic institutions at the
cutting edge of high-tech. With this end in view, we especially invite contributions in the fields of Comparative
Literary and Cultural Studies, Postcolonial Theory, Social and Political Science, Cultural Anthropology, Area
Studies, Multimedia and Digital Arts.

We are looking for qualified, enthusiastic scholars of Anglo-American Studies willing to act as readers. To
volunteer to be a reader, please contact us at

Guidelines for Contributors:
ABC seeks submissions of work in the entire spectrum of the humanities. You are strongly encouraged to submit
innovative and broad-ranging original articles that have not been published elsewhere, nor are currently under
review in any other refereed journal. You may submit papers that have been presented in conferences only if the
papers have been thoroughly revised or extended to engage the announced theme. Please email your contribution to before the closing date. Alternatively, manuscripts should be sent in triplicate to the
Editorial Office (see address below) as hard copy and on CD Rom. Submit three copies of your double-spaced,
single-sided manuscript, along with the originals of illustrations, drawings, and tables. The first page of the
manuscript should carry the title, names of authors, institutional affiliations, a brief but detailed 200-word
abstract, and seven key words. The normal word-limit for articles is 7,500 words including notes. Please include
a brief 200-word biography for our Notes on Contributors along with contact information. Only the materials
styled according to the latest edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers will be considered for
publication. For detailed instructions for preparing your contribution, you may wish to consult the journal's
style files at Contributions can include articles, in-depth interviews with both
established and emerging thinkers and writers, notes on work in progress, and reviews of recently published
fiction and critical works.

Deadlines for Submissions: ABC is published biannually in September and December. The deadlines for submission of
contributions are July 15 for the summer edition (expected publication: September 15) and October 15 for the
winter edition (expected publication: December 15). Our forthcoming edition will be looking at The Spaces
between and betwixt: Border crossing, Cultural Translation and the Subject of English. Opinionated and
theoretically informed articles addressing issues bearing on the theme are therefore enthusiastically invited.

Special Issues
Suggestions for special issues are welcome. To propose a special issue, a two-page proposal should be submitted
to Adriana Neagu, Advisory Editor, containing the following information: title; purpose; scope; a list of
prospective contributors; time-table (submission and review deadlines, intended publication date); and guest
editor's address, phone, fax, and e-mail address. Once approved, the guest editor will be fully responsible for
the special issue and should follow the normal review procedure of this journal. Simple proposals of theme(s)
without guest-editing commitment are also welcome and will be given due consideration. Please attach these to
your contributions and email to

Editorial/Business Office: Editors American, British and Canadian Studies, Department of British and American
Studies, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, 550 024 Sibiu, Bd.-l Victoriei 5-7, Romania, Tel: +40 269 21 55 56.
All hard copy manuscripts, correspondence about contributions, advertising, subscriptions and allied matters
should be sent to: ABC Journal Division, Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, Department of British and American
Studies, 550 024 Sibiu, Bd.-l Victoriei 5-7, Romania.

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Apr 25 2006 - 10:18:48 EDT
