UPDATE: Contemporary Spanish Cinema and Genre (5/30/06; collection)
previous message was truncated. Here it is again, 250 words:
This collection of essays attempts to analyze the significant changes
in the aesthetics, production and reception of genre in Spanish cinema
from 1990 to the present. How have Spanish filmmakers reworked generic
categories to compete in the national and international markets in the
last decade and a half? How do we track the interaction between the
regional, the national and the transnational in the work of Spanish
auteurs through the lens of genre? How can we relate the global reach
of Hollywood genres with contemporary Spanish filmmakers' attempts to
mobilize these generic formations? How can we connect the recent
emergence of a cinema of "bad taste" with the untranslatability of the
national-specific in broader cultural contexts?
This book attempts to bring together European, Latin American
and U.S. scholars to establish a productive dialogue on the topic of
contemporary Spanish cinema and genre, while providing multiple
perspectives on the concepts of national cinemas and genre theory. Our
point of departure is the understanding of Spanish cinema as a product
of a series of local, regional, national, and global forces operating
in diverse "contact zones" in/outside of geopolitical borders. While
paying close attention to the specifics of the Spanish cinematic and
social panorama, this collection of essays also attempts to investigate
the transnational economic, cultural and aesthetic forces at play in
shaping Spanish film genres today
Please send a 400-500-word proposal, a short bibliography and a
biographical statement to Vicente Rodríguez Ortega – vro200_at_nyu.edu –
by May 30th, 2006. Final essays (5,000-6,000 words) are due by December
15th, 2006
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Tue Apr 25 2006 - 10:18:50 EDT