CFP: Comedy, Identity, Health and Well-Being (UK) (12/8/06; 7/17/06-7/18/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Jenny Liddy
contact email: 

CFP Comedy, Identity, Health and Well-Being (12/08/06); (7/17/06 - 7/18/06)
United Kingdom

Comedy, Identity, Health & Well-Being

This dual conference on Comedy and Identity and Comedy and Health has been
organized by Liverpool Hope University and the Liverpool Comedy Trust to
coincide with the Liverpool Comedy Festival in July 2006. The intention is
to stimulate multi- and interdisciplinary debate, controversy and
publication on the themes of humour, laughter and the comic in its various
aspects as they pertain to all permutations of human identity, and as they
contribute to well being and health.

There are two strands to the conference. Comedy and Identity being one
strand, Comedy, health and happiness being the other.

Liverpool Hope University have put a call out for papers on the Comedy and
Identity strand of the programme. Liverpool Comedy Trust is now calling for
papers on the second strand of Comedy, health & happiness.

Examples of Comedy and its relationship to Health & Happiness might include
those associated with laughter therapy in healthcare or education and
studies pertaining to the role humour and laughter in the workplace.

Delegates will have the opportunity to engage not only with those in their
field, but also with a variety of comedy professionals, critics and sceptics
in a variety of ambient locations in the city of Liverpool, England.

Proposals with abstracts of not more than 200 words and a Curriculum
Vitae in English should be sent to Jenny Liddy at by Friday 12th May 2006.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon May 01 2006 - 08:46:58 EDT
