CFP: Grad Students in the Academy (5/3/06; CCCC, 3/21/07-5/24/07)

full name / name of organization: 
EGSO Albany
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Unaccepted Proposal: Graduate Student Indentities

"Representing Identities"
2007 CCCC Annual Convention
Conference on College Composition and Communication
March 21–24 New York Hilton, New York City

This proposal draws from the general conference theme
of "Representing Identities" and the following prompt
suggestion: What specific discursive features of
reading, writing, speaking, listening, and/or silence
contribute to representations of identities? With what
consequences, in/exclusions, or possibilities? With
what permanence?

Our identities as graduate students cross and define
discourses within the institution that employs,
educates, and trains us. We possess little control
over the definition of those discourses, which often
shift hourly, but we are required to develop the
ability to navigate those discourses immediately upon
our entry. We identify ourselves as instructors,
tutors, students, committee members, mentors, union
members, scholars, and academics. This navigation is
problematized further with extra-institutional
identities revolving around spoken/written language,
gender, sexuality, race, national and state
citizenship, marital status, parenthood, and age.

Paper abstracts should address the tension between
institutional and extra-institutional identities via
personal experience. Also, address the "discursive
features" of these identities through a framework of
pedagogical, literary, or social theory. Proposals
from international students and under-represented
groups are particularly welcome.

Sorry for the short deadline, but a panel member has
stepped down recently. Please send 500 word abstracts
to by May 3, 2006. However, once
an appropriate abstract is submitted, we will forward
the panel proposal to CCCC. Thanks.

"A belligerent state permits itself every such misdeed, every such act of violence, as would disgrace the individual."
         Sigmund Freud

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon May 01 2006 - 08:47:16 EDT