CFP: MATC Theatre History Symposium (11/5/06; 3/1/07-3/4/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Magelssen, Scott

MATC (Mid-America Theatre Conference)=20
Changing Theatrical Landscapes:
Mapping New Directions in History, Pedagogy and Practice
For the 21st Century
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Minneapolis, Minnesota
March 1-4, 2007
CALL FOR PAPERS: Theatre History Symposium
TRUE NORTH: A line from any point on the earth's surface to the north
pole. All lines of longitude are true north lines. True north is usually
represented by a star.
In order to measure something, there must always be a starting point or
zero measurement. To express direction as a unit of angular measure,
there must be a starting point or zero measure and a point of reference
These two points designate the base or reference line. There are three
base lines- true north, magnetic north, and grid north (Source: <> ).
For MATC's 2007 Theatre History Symposium in Minnesota, "The North Star
State," we invite proposals for papers which reflect on or incorporate
the idea of True North, broadly construed. As a theatre scholar, what
are your baselines? How do you determine them? How does your selection
of reference points determine the direction of your research? =20
Topics might include:
-Examinations of particular individuals, texts, and performances that
highlight the perils (or pleasures) of navigating Theatre History.
-Manifestos pointing us in new directions.=20
-Legends to help us find our way home.
-Surveys that indicate boundaries, landmarks, and points of reference.
-Measures by which we can corroborate evidence, establish a trajectory,
and navigate a course through our teaching, research, and practice.
-Intersections between theory and evidence.=20
-Instruments to chart our path through interdisciplinary landscapes
-And, of course, Pirates!
Please direct proposals and queries to:
Scott Magelssen=20
Augustana College
Henry Bial
University of Kansas <>=20
Email Abstracts as Word documents to both Theatre History Symposium
co-chairs, above. Abstracts must be received by November 15, 2006.
Please limit abstracts to 250 words. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR NAME, TITLE
(identifying whether you are faculty, student, or independent scholar)
and ACADEMIC AFFILIATION with your Abstract. Proposals for full panels
(of three related papers) are also welcome. Contact Co-Chairs for
Robert A. Schanke Research Award: The Robert A. Schanke Research Award
is given annually to an untenured faculty presenter of the Theatre
History Symposium and carries a cash award of $500 as well as subsequent
publication of the paper in Theatre History Studies, the journal of the
Mid-America Theatre Conference. To be eligible for the Schanke Award,
candidates must submit full, conference-length versions of their paper
to the co-chairs at the addresses above by February 15.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon May 01 2006 - 08:47:30 EDT