CFP: New Directions, New Voices: Southern African Music Research Conference (South Africa) (6/15/06; 9/14/06-9/16/06)
New Directions, New Voices
14-16 September 2006
School of Music & Conservatory
North-West University: Potchefstroom Campus
South Africa
An Open Call to everyone with an interest in advancing music research
in Southern Africa, both within and outside the academy, including
musicians, music educators, jazz and popular music scholars, public
sector heritage and culture professionals, journalists, producers of
cultural programmes for film, radio, television and other media, music
producers, musicologists and ethnomusicologists.
At the joint meeting of the Musicological Society of Southern Africa
and the Ethnomusicology Symposium in Cape Town in 2005, the two bodies
unanimously voted to jointly found a new, inclusive association to
promote the study of music in Southern Africa in all media and contexts.
The founding meeting of the new association will take place at the
School of Music & Conservatory, North-West University: Potchefstroom
Campus from 14-16 September 2006.
Conference theme: New Directions, New Voices
Keynote speaker: Prof. Gregory Barz, Vanderbilt University, USA, author
of "Singing For Life: HIV/AIDS and Music in Uganda"
The conference organisers encourage broad participation in the form not
only of academic papers (20 minutes), but also formats such as panel
discussions (60 minutes), and multi-media presentations, film
screenings, lecture-demonstrations and curated performances (all 20/50
minutes). Presenters with an interest in music who have not previously
participated in musicology or ethnomusicology conferences are strongly
encouraged to attend.
Please submit proposals for participation by 15 June 2006 to:
The Secretary
Musicological Society of Southern Africa
P.O. Box 3452
fax: +27.(0)21.808-2340
Proposals of no longer than 300 words should be accompanied by your
name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, telephone number and
mailing address.
Jaco van der Merwe <>
Director : School of Music & Conservatory
North-West University : Potchefstroom Campus
South Africa <>
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Received on Mon May 01 2006 - 08:47:22 EDT