UPDATE: Male Bodies/Global Cinema (12/1/06; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Santiago Fouz-Hernández

Update: Please note that deadline is December 2006, not January.

[Deadline proposals: 12/1/06]

The representation of the body has been extensively discussed in Film Studies
since the 1970s. Following an initial emphasis on the study of the
representation of the female body, work in this area in the last two decades or
so has turned its attention also to masculinity. Yet, with a few exceptions,
most of this work to date has focused on Hollywood. This volume seeks to
readdress the balance by offering as wide and representative a picture of the
depiction of the male body in contemporary cinema as possible. Contributions
can focus on specific countries or ethnicities and can analyse key actors,
directors or films or offer a more diverse overview, but the emphasis will be
on cinema produced in the last twenty years.

Contributions on the representation of the Asian male body in Japanese, Korean
and British cinemas and on the representation of the male body in Spanish and
British cinemas have been already commissioned. Contributions on any other
nationalities or ethnicities are welcome, but the following will take priority:

- Australian cinema
- Chinese cinema
- Cinemas of Western and Southern European countries (especially France,
Germany and Italy)
- Post 1989 Eastern European cinemas
- Cinemas of the states of the former Soviet Union
- Cinema from the Indian subcontinent
- Latin American cinemas (especially Argentinean, Brazilian, Cuban and
- Middle Eastern cinema

Please send proposals by 12/1/06 to santiago.fouz_at_durham.ac.uk
Proposals should include:
- Provisional title,
- 500-word abstract
- Provisional bibliography
- Short bio.

Accepted contributions (7,000 words) will be due in July 2007 for publication
in late 2008/early 2009. This project is already under negotiation with a well
established publishers in the field (please contact the editor for more

Project website and full CFP can be found at:
--Dr. Santiago Fouz-HernándezSchool of Modern Languages and CulturesUniversity of DurhamElvet Riverside, New Elvet,Durham DH1 3JTUnited KingdomTel: [+44] (0)191 334 3455Fax: [+44] (0)191 334 3421http://www.durham.ac.uk/santiago.fouz ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List CFP_at_english.upenn.edu Full Information at http://cfp.english.upenn.edu or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu ==========================================================Received on Mon May 01 2006 - 08:46:28 EDT
