UPDATE: MELUS: Iranian American Literature (7/1/06; journal issue)
Deadline extended:
Call for Papers for a Special Issue on
Iranian-American Literature
(no more abstracts on Women's Memoirs Please--see
We are inviting proposals for a special issue on
Iranian-American Literature, projected for publication
in 2008.
The explosion in memoirs written by Iranian women in
the last few years has provided an unprecedented
literary introduction into the lives and experiences
of Iranians -- whether exiles, immigrants, or in
several cases, second-generation Iranian-Americans.
This special issue of MELUS will focus on the emerging
literature of Iranian-Americans, (written by both
women and men) and will explore the relationship
between literature and Iranian immigration and the
politics of US-Iranian relations in the second half of
the 20th century and the emerging literature of this
community at the start of the 21st century. Possible
topics might include:
Memoir and Women's Narratives (have plenty on
this-seek submisisons on poetry and fiction!)
The Fiction of the Iranian Revolution
The Return Narrative to Iran
Growing Up Iranian/Growing Up American
Expatriates and Exiles
Iranian-American Poetry
We welcome proposals that discuss the emergence of
Iranian-American literature (including Canada) and
explore the role of literature in creating a public
Iranian identity in North America. Please submit a
2-page abstract to Persis Karim at
pkarim_at_helios.sjsu.edu and Nasrin Rahimieh at
nasrin_at_mcmaster.ca by no later than June 15, 2006.
". . . Don't live in the world as if you were renting or here only for the summer, but act as if it was your father's house. . .Believe in seeds, earth, and the sea, but people above all. Love clouds, machines, and books, but people above all." Nazim Hikmet, 20th century Turkish poet
Persis M. Karim, Ph.D. (persisk_at_yahoo.com)
English Dept., San Jose State University/1 Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192/(408) 924-4476
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Mon May 01 2006 - 08:47:16 EDT