CFP: aesthetic INVASIONS / articulate EVASIONS (grad) (6/30/06; 10/21/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Anna Marin
contact email: 

The Departments of English & Comparative Literature and Rhetoric & Writing
Studies are proud to present the 14th Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate
Student Conference: San Diego State University
Crisis Carnival 2006

aesthetic INVASIONS / articulate EVASIONS

An interdisciplinary discussion of the humanities
Saturday, October 21st, 2006

Scholars from all fields are invited to submit: papers, poetry, fiction,
artwork & films

Art itself is invasive. The act of creating art is an invasion of
identity, of the subconscious, of the status quo. The productive or
destructive interplay between various forms of artistic media exemplifies
the complexity of socially constructed notions of art forms and the subtle
duality of the creative process. This process can be exploitative, or
otherwise insensitive, employing skillful elusion and manipulation. This
can occur through political subterfuge and/or authorial masking, with
subversive values encoded within the seemingly innocuous.

A work can also invade the reader/viewer's mind with its vivid sensory
impressions, beauty, and/or terror, helping assemble in the reader's
imagination something intense and personally meaningful that otherwise
would not exist in the "uninvaded" mind.

The viewing of art can be similarly invasive. The reader invades the work
with personal experiences and creates a highly individualized network of
connections and images in response to the text. This allows for much
debate in the realms of both the foundations of aesthetic appreciation (is
this why works can matter to us so much? is it because we ARE the work to
a large extent?) and the critical debate over textual appropriation.

Potential topics may include:
Ethnic Studies, gender relations, multimedia, literature and the arts,
public vs. private space, identity politics, voyeurism, suveillance,
postmodernism, Orientalism, regionalism, postcolonialism, world literature,
religion and the sciences.

Each submission should include:
One cover page and one 250 word abstract for a 10-12 page paper,
short story, poetry, or a 15 minute film.
Please include your title, contact information, and area of study on your
cover page.
Artwork should be submitted as photos with the titles written on the back.
Each performance piece is limited to 15 minutes; please send a video tape.
A $30.00 registration fee must be paid prior to presenting at the
This fee includes a presenter/faculty luncheon and a copy of the

The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2006.

Send electronic submissions and/or questions to : crisiscarnival_at_gmail.sdsu=
Send physical submissions to: Crisis Carnival Committee / Dept. Of Rhetoric
& Writing Studies
SDSU / 5500 Campanile Drive / San Diego, CA 92182

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon May 08 2006 - 08:43:35 EDT
