CFP: Consciousness, Theatre, Literature and the Arts (UK) (3/1/07; 5/5/07-5/7/07)
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers
The Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies at the University
of Wales Aberystwyth, UK, is pleased to host the Second International
Conference on Consciousness, Theatre, Literature, and the Arts. The
conference will be held in Aberystwyth, Wales, UK, from Saturday 5 to
Monday 7 May 2007. Abstracts (up to 1 page) are invited for papers
relating any aspect of consciousness (as defined in a range of disciplines
involved with consciousness studies) to any aspect of theatre,
performance, literature, music, fine arts, media arts and any sub-genre of
those. Please send the abstract to Dr Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe, Deadline for receipt of abstracts is 1 March 2007.
See conference website:
See peer reviewed journal "Consciousness, Literature and the Arts" at
Dr Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe
Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies
University of Wales Aberystwyth
Parry Williams Building
Penglais Campus
Aberystwyth, Ceredigion SY23 3AJ
Wales, UK
Tel. 01970 622835
Fax 01970 622831
Consciousness, Literature and the Arts
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon May 08 2006 - 08:43:03 EDT