CFP: Cultures Across Curriculum Conference (7/14/06; 10/10/06-10/12/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Davies, Diana K
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Call for Papers


Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum:

Building New Connections


October 10-12, 2006

Hosted by Portland State University

In collaboration with Baldwin-Wallace College, Binghamton University,

The University of Iowa & the American Council on Education (ACE) Internationalization Collaborative




The Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) Movement intends to make global competence a reality for students and to create alliances among educators to share practices and find ways to incorporate an international dimension in curricula, and, more generally, to achieve internationalization goals. General principles of CLAC include 1) a focus on communication and content rather than grammar in language instruction and application, 2) an emphasis on meaningful content-focused language use, outside traditional foreign language classes, and 3) an approach to language use and cross-cultural skills as means for the achievement of global intellectual synthesis, in which students learn to combine and interpret knowledge produced in other languages and in other cultures. Within this large framework, CLAC can take many forms, depending on specific content and curricular goals within a discipline. Among areas of interest to CLAC educators are 1) alternative models of educa!
 tion that foster the acquisition of cross-cultural competences, 2) frameworks that serve to build connections between comparative literature, cultural studies and area studies, 3) K-16 articulation models, 4) content-based language instruction and the development of new content-based foreign language textbooks and discipline-specific learning materials and technology, 4) study abroad, including programs focused on professional studies, 5) heritage learner programs, and 6) service learning models in cross-cultural contexts.


The specific focus of the 2nd annual conference on Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum will be: 1) how to prepare students for CLAC through better K-16 articulation and 2) how to incorporate culture into language-focused models. The conference will be held in conjunction with the 6th International Conference on Service Learning in Portland, Oregon, to allow participants to learn about incorporating CLAC into service learning experiences. These two events will overlap by one day to allow cross-conference participation.




Papers are solicited concerning, but not limited to the following areas:


1) CLAC and K-16 Articulation

How can we establish workable K-16 articulation models that promote international education?


2) Content-Based Language Learning

What are the intersections between CLAC and content-based language learning theories and practices?


3) Culture and Cross-Cultural Communication

            How can CLAC highlight culture to improve cross-cultural competence and promote language study?


4) Business and Government Models of Internationalization

How can we meet the contrasting needs of business (the "metropolitan migrant" model) and academia, defense, or diplomacy (the "expert" model)? How might we adapt CLAC to fulfill varying needs?


5) CLAC in the Context of Comparative, Cultural, and Area Studies

What are the intersections between Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, Area Studies, and CLAC? Can these fields of study "meet" through the agency of CLAC?


6) CLAC and International Service Learning (ISL)

      How can CLAC be used before, during, and after ISL activities to maximize acquisition of intercultural knowledge and skills? How can ISL principles and practices inform CLAC to increase global learning?


7) CLAC and Study Abroad Programs

How can CLAC principles be integrated into study abroad programs, including programs for professional studies? How can study abroad link better to non-foreign language disciplines?


8) CLAC and Assessment

How should we assess CLAC programs and learning? Are language proficiency and cross-cultural skills assessment tools (such as ACTFL standards and the IDI) appropriate to the goals of CLAC?


9) CLAC and Heritage Learner Programs

How can the needs of heritage learners in foreign language instruction be addressed using CLAC principles? How can the knowledge of these learners be used as a resource in CLAC programs?




To offer a 30-minute paper or 90-minute panel presentation, please provide the following, in the form of MS Word documents attached to the email message:

1. A cover sheet including:

a. Type: Paper (30 minutes, including 10 minutes for open discussion) or Panel Presentation (90 minutes, including 30 minutes for questions and comments from the audience)

b. Title of your paper or presentation and brief description (75-100 words)

c. Names of Presenter(s) including, as appropriate, specification of their roles, contact information for each (titles and affiliations, email addresses, telephone and fax numbers), and brief biographical sketch (50-75 words) for each presenter

d. Relationship to Conference Themes

e. Target Audience(s), including what the audience(s) can expect to "take away" from your paper or presentation

2. A one-page abstract (500 words) of your paper or presentation, clearly indicating what each presenter, if more than one, will contribute.

3. A list of needs for your paper or session (Internet access and on-site computers may be limited. Come prepared.)


Proposals must be submitted by July 14, 2006 to: Kathie Godfrey, Portland State University at with "CLAC Conference" in the Subject line. Tel: (800) 547-8887, ex. 5294. Fax: (503) 725-5276. Mail: Foreign Languages & Literatures, P.O. Box 751, Portland, OR 97201-0751.


For additional information see our website at: <>



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Received on Mon May 08 2006 - 08:43:21 EDT