CFP: Sublimity 1700-1900 (UK) (11/17/06; 1/5/07)
'Taste, Vision, Transcendence: Sublimity 1700-1900' One-Day Conference,
University of Sussex (Brighton, UK), 5th January 2007.
Plenary speakers: Dr. Philip Shaw (University of Leicester) and Professor
Andrew Bennett (University of Bristol).
Papers are invited on any aspect of the sublime in literature, visual
culture or philosophy in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Papers
from postgraduates particularly welcome. Send 250 word abstracts to by the 17th November 2006. Enquiries about
attending the conference as a non-presenting delegate are also welcome.
Christopher Stokes and Miles Mitchard
University of Sussex.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon May 08 2006 - 08:43:03 EDT