CPF: Dissections: Horror and Dark Fantasy (ongoing; e-journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Michelle Bernard
contact email: 


Dissections is a new international horror and dark fantasy e-journal that
provides a rich opportunity for academics, critics and creative writers and
artists to publish alongside each other. We welcome essays on 20th and 21st
century horror and dark fantasy, including film, fiction, and images. We
also publish some short creative fiction, poetry and artwork. Dissections is
peer-reviewed and 'published' twice yearly. The first edition will be in
September 2006.

We only accept electronic submissions.

Submission Guidelines

Please submit text in Word or PDF format only.

Please submit images in JPG, JPEG, PNG or GIF format only.

You may submit your work via e-mail or, for larger pieces exceeding 1Mb,
please send a CD-ROM containing your submission to our postal address.

Get to know Dissections before you submit. You may read Dissections and
decide your work would not fit the style.

Keep a record of exactly what you have sent and when.

If you submit material to us, you will be acknowledged immediately but must
be prepared to wait at least 4 months for a response about possible
publication. We apologise in advance for this and thank you for your
patience. We like to read submissions carefully.

Dissections does not accept erotic or pornographic work, unless it is
clearly essential in terms of the cultural engagement or the exploration of
horror and dark fantasy.

Please note: We regret that we are unable to give you any financial
remuneration or feedback on your work or enter into any correspondence about
rejected work.

Please also note: We do not accept unsolicited reviews and are not looking
for new reviewers.

Send submissions to:

Gina Wisker: ginwskr_at_aol.com


Michelle Bernard: m.bernard_at_anglia.ac.uk

Post CDs only to:

Michelle Bernard


204 Eastings

Anglia Ruskin University

East Road


Cambs CB1 1PT

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Mon May 08 2006 - 08:42:55 EDT
