CFP: American Secrets (Spain) (10/15/06; 3/28/07-3/30/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico
contact email: 

VIII SAAS Conference. La Coruña, Spain March 2007

Call for papers

The 2007 SAAS Conference (Spanish Association for American Studies) will be
held in La Coruña, Spain, in Spring, 28-30 March 2007. Under the theme
"American Secrets: The Politics and Poetics of Secrecy in American Culture",
 the Program Committee invites colleagues to submit proposals for individual
papers, on diverse aspects of this topic, within the following proposed

1) Title: The Ballast of Memory in Hyphenated America
2) Title: Secrets in the Closet: Homosexuals, Lesbians and Sexual
Transgressors in American Theatre
3) Title: Behind the Scenes: Secrets disclosed by the American Drama
4) Title: Houses of Secrets: Haunted Houses in American Literature
5) Title: The Secrets of the American West and Their Representation in
Contemporary American Culture
6) Title: Revealing the Secret Self: the Author as a Permanent Force in
Postmodern American Poetry
7) Title: American Autobiography and the Disclosure of Secrets
8) Title: The Centrality of Margins: Secrecy in American Travel Discourses
9) Title: Secrets (in) between Herman Melville and Nathaniel Hawthorne
10) Title: Science Secrets, Secret Sciences
11) Title: 'Is There a Truth Out There?' Conspiracy as Symbol, Metaphor,
and Plot in American Postmodernist Fictions.
12) Title: Political Secrets in American History
13) Title: Deciphering Dickinson
14) Title: The Poetics of Secrecy in the American Short Story
15) Title: Secrets, Lies, and the American Character: Pushing the Envelope
in Post-September 11 America
16) Title: Feminism and Secrecy in US American Literature and Theory
17) Miscellaneous Panel

 The deadline for submitting abstracts to the Panel chairs is October 15,
2006. For further information about panel contents and description, panel
chairs, and guidelines for submission, please visit our website:

Dra. Isabel Durán
Profesora Titular
Depto. Filología Inglesa II
Facultad de Filología
Universidad Complutense
28040 Madrid (SPAIN)
Tel. 3491 3945390
Fax. 3491 3945478

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon May 15 2006 - 12:34:59 EDT