CFP: Apocryphal Biographies and Autobiographies Panel (6/15/06; MAPACA, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Rett Lorance
contact email: 

A Storied Life: The Apocryphal Biography and Autobiography is a session of
the 2006 Mid-Atlantic Pop/Am Culture Association annual conference. The
dates are 10/27-29/06 in lovely Baltimore, MD. Registration fees apply. For
more information, please go to <>.

"A Storied Life: The Apocryphal Biography and Autobiography" seeks papers
that question the veracity of a biography or autobiography. "A Storied
Life" results when creative license or apocryphal facts are used in a
biography or autobiography. For the purpose of this session, creative
license is when the facts of a person's life are adjusted or revised to
benefit the subject. The process may be conscious or unconscious: a subject
may purposefully mislead a biographer or may misremember past events while
recounting them. In addition, an autobiography whose author has not been
overly honest may become the foundation for biographies which repeat the
same information. Papers should rely upon primary and secondary sources,
such as letters, diaries, and published documents, to explore how creative
license was used in the production of an accepted biograpy or

Deadline for proposals: 6/15-06
Send 1-page proposal, CV & AV needs via snail mail to:
Rett Lorance
School of Visual Arts
P.O. Box 461
Inwood Station
New York, NY 10034-0461

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon May 15 2006 - 12:36:04 EDT