CFP: Beckett on TV (9/30/06; journal issue)

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Beckett on TV
A Special Issue of The Journal of Beckett Studies

Beckett's interest in the broadcast media is well known, as is his willingness
to embrace new technology both on stage and on screen. Often, this fascination
has manifested itself in Beckett's exploration of the limitations rather than
the possibilities of each medium, as well as the manner in which his works
question the boundaries of each genre. Of Beckett's 28 shorter dramatic texts,
five were written for television, and a good number, most notably Not I and
What Where, were adapted for the screen. This special issue of The Journal of
Beckett Studies will focus on Beckett's original work for television as well
as his completed and proposed adaptation of stage work for the screen.
Questions that may be dealt with include

Aesthetic and philosophical issues raised by the TV work

The question of technology as it is staged in the TV work

Themes of surveillance in Beckett's TV works or adaptations

Beckett's own adaptive strategies in this field, evinced, for example, in his
work on Play, What Where (Was Wo) and the proposed adaptation of Krapp's Last

The relation of the TV work to the visual arts

Beckett's use of music in his TV work

Beckett and virtuality

The relation of the TV work to the rest of Beckett's oeuvre

The relation of Beckett's own TV practice to that of other directors engaged
in the adaptation of his work for television

The relation of Beckett's TV work to the wider media culture of the time

The relation of Beckett's TV work to the discourse of television as a medium

Articles addressing all aspects of Beckett's television work will be
considered. Contributors should follow the MLA style guide, and submit their
work by 30 September 2006. Please send copies by email to both guest editors.

Dr Ulrika Maude, University of Durham, UK (
Dr David Pattie, University of Chester, UK (

--Dr Ulrika MaudeDepartment of English StudiesUniversity of DurhamElvet RiversideNew ElvetDurham DH1 3JTUK ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Mon May 15 2006 - 13:21:24 EDT
