CFP: Evolutions of Resistance (UK) (7/15/06; evolutions, 9/22/06-9/23/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Georgia Axiotou
contact email: 

CFP: Evolutions of Resistance,
for a session at "evolutions" conference, Edinburgh, U.K.,22-23
September 2006.

Evolutions of Resistance
This panel considers the evolution of resistance as a concept,
discourse and praxis, gesturing towards 'a reconstellation of concepts
whose complexity ... can be problematised at a critical moment'
(Assimina Karavanta) when all the 'post(s)-' seem to have failed their
initial promises. Either imaginary or actual, sites of resistance can
be located within texts, theoretical movements and everyday living.
These sites voice the predicament of various marginalized positions:
'woman', 'immigrant', 'poor', 'non-white', 'homosexual', 'hyphenated'
and many others. Thinking of resistance in the context of the above
positions, papers for this panel may address, but are not limited to,
the following questions: How can we define resistance in the present
moment and why is this important? In what ways have the practices of
resistance changed over time? Are there instances of solidarity and
common resistance among heterogeneous oppressed peoples during moments
of crisis? Can the margin or border be considered in Karavanta's term
as a 'counter-topography' of resistance in itself? Is there a tension
between theorizing and practicing resistance and if yes, how can it
become productive? How can we make resistance a subject of academic
discourse without containing its subversive potential?

Applicants who are interested in submitting a paper for this panel
should send a title and abstract of no more than 300 words accompanied
by a short CV to the following e-mail address: The deadline for submission is 15 July,
and speakers whose proposals have been accepted will be notified
shortly after that. Papers delivered at the conference are expected to
be approximately 20 minutes long.

Selected papers from the conference will be collected and published in
a special issue of Forum, Postgraduate Journal of Culture and the Arts,
University of Edinburgh.For more information please visit the
conference website at <>

If you have any questions concerning this panel please contact either
Stella Bolaki:
or Georgia Axiotou:

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon May 15 2006 - 12:34:50 EDT
