CFP: Interdisciplinary Humanities (10/15/06; 2/28/07-3/3/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Owens, Joana
contact email: 

The National Association for Humanities Education (NAHE) invites =
250-word proposals for papers, panels, roundtables, and workshops for =
inclusion in the program of its 2007 conference, "The Golden Gateways of =
the Humanities: Transgressions/Transformation, Dissonance/Harmony," to =
be held at the Holiday Inn Golden Gateway in San Francisco, CA from =
February 28 to March 3, 2007. Papers should be planned for twenty =
minutes; panels, roundtables, and workshops should be planned for an =
hour and thirty minutes.

NAHE invites proposals from all areas of the Humanities, including Art, =
Art History, Dance, English, Film, Foreign Languages, History, =
Interdisciplinary Studies, Music, Philosophy, Religion, Theatre, and =
more. We are especially interested in proposals that take =
interdisciplinary approaches to their subjects and/or address =
pedagogical issues in the humanities. Young scholars and graduate =
students are encouraged to submit proposals; outstanding conference =
papers will be considered for inclusion in NAHE's peer-reviewed journal, =
_Interdisciplinary Humanities_. For more information about this =
conference and NAHE, please go to or contact Dr. Joana =
Owens, Program Chair, NAHE 2007 Conference ( or Dr. =
Marcia Green, NAHE President (

Please send all proposals to: Dr. Joana Owens, Program Chair, NAHE 2007 =
Conference at or via snail mail to Dr. Joana Owens, =
Program Chair, NAHE 2007 Conference, Division of Humanities, =
Jacksonville University, Jacksonville FL 32211-3394. Please CC all =
email submissions to Dr. Marcia Green at =20


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Received on Mon May 15 2006 - 12:35:48 EDT