CFP: Revolutions in Form (UK) (6/15/06; evolutions, 9/22/06-9/23/06)

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'evolutions': a two-day international conference hosted by the School
of Literatures, Languages and Cultures at the University of Edinburgh,
22-23 September 2006

CFP Panel: Revolutions in Form

Art is dead. Long live Dada!
- Walter Serner

Push aside literary, grammatical and syntactic obstacles!
Strike as deep as you can strike!
- Jack Kerouac

 From the Dada battle cry to the Beat writer's call to arms,
significant challenges to conventional artistic form go hand in hand
with the language of revolution. The relationship between artistic
production and the political, however, goes beyond a mere analogy:
indeed, the ambiguous role that the arts play in reinforcing or
challenging various ideologies is much debated. This panel seeks to
interrogate this complex problematic and invites papers which address
such questions as: What is the relationship between artistic
experimentation and political engagement? What constitutes revolution
and/or political engagement in the arts? What is the relationship
between technology and formal innovation? How do the forms of
particular works interact with the historical moment of their
emergence? If literature art and film can be said to be revolutionary,
how can their effects be measured? What, if any, forms of writing
and/or artistic production can be now considered revolutionary? What
possibilities do new media technologies and the internet offer to
artists and writers as regards innovation and revolutionary action?
Are we currently witnessing a revolution in form created by the
potential of digital technologies? Considerations of the avant-gardes
and experimental writing/film/art are welcomed.

Applicants who are interested in submitting a paper for 'revolutions in
form' should send a title and abstract of no more than 300 words
accompanied by a short CV to the following e-mail address:
<>. The deadline for submission is 15
July, and speakers whose proposals have been accepted will be notified
shortly thereafter. Papers delivered at the conference are expected to
be approximately 20 minutes long. Selected papers from the conference
will be collected and published in a special issue of Forum,
Postgraduate Journal of Culture and the Arts, University of Edinburgh.
This conference is being generously co-sponsored by Forum and the
University of Edinburgh.

Any questions concerning this panel should be addressed to Lisa Otty at
the following e-mail address: <>.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon May 15 2006 - 12:34:42 EDT