UPDATE: TV Fiction Exchange: Local/Regional/National/Global (UK) (6/1/06; 9/5/06-9/9/06)
* * * * UPDATE * * * *
Owing to a website glitch over Easter drawn to our attention by people
seeking to apply, we are re-issuing our CFP for TV Fiction exchange with an
extended deadline. We already have contributions from 15 countries so the
conference promises to embrace a wide range of perspectives on the debate.
Please send any late submission a.s.a.p.
TV Fiction Exchange: Local/Regional/National/Global.
An International Conference.
Contributors include:
Professor Ien Ang, University of Western Sydney
David Bianculli, NY Daily News television critic and author of Teleliteracy
Dr David Lavery, Middle-State Tennessee University
Mark Lawson, Guardian television critic and writer
Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU Cheshire).
Dates: Tuesday 5 - Friday 8 September 2006.
TV Fiction Exchange: Local/Regional/National/Global aims to address the
impact of shifts in the circulation of fictions for the small screen. The
rapid developments in digital and satellite technologies have opened up a
global market for television in a horizontally-integrated, multi-media
environment with major impact upon product-making and the cultures of
reception. The conference aims to address a core tension between the
increasing tendency of multi-media conglomerates to think globally at the
macro-economic level and the known preference for locally-inflected product
at the local reception level. It will look at how changes are affecting
national and regional television production and small screen fiction product
and how they are impacting in turn upon local, regional national – or
possibly trans-national – identities.
Coinciding with the official launch of the new international journal,
Critical Studies in Television (www.criticalstudiesintelevision.com), this
conference, spanning four days, aims to bring together academics, critics,
students and industry practitioners from different countries, regions and
language communities to discuss the seismic shifts in the industry and
culture of television.
The conference organisers are seeking papers on such topics as:
∑ Global TV drama: aesthetics and influence.
∑ Viewing and understanding cultural identities – global and/or local?
∑ Trans-national television fictions (e.g. Spanish-language
∑ Local/regional/global TV production (esp. TV drama cultures; TV
product franchises; remakes of shows in different national TV contexts).
∑ Technological developments: television fictions and the Internet and
multi-media communications futures.
∑ Television and the Diaspora (viewing cultures; national and cultural
∑ The place of television fictions in global media network strategies.
We invite contributors to submit electronically an abstract of approx.
500words, along with a short biography including postal address, by Thursday
1 June 2006 to the following: (Please send enquiries to this address).
Conference organisers:
Professor Robin Nelson, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
Dr Janet McCabe, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
Professor Stephen Lacey, University of Glamorgan, UK.
Kim Akass, London Metropolitan University, UK.
Kim Akass,
Freelance writer and editor.
Dr Janet McCabe,
Research Associate,
Manchester Metropolitan University.
Please reply to janetandkim_at_hotmail.com
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Mon May 15 2006 - 12:36:30 EDT