CFP: Reconstruction: Threatening Bodies: Nationalism, Sexuality, and Race (8/1/06; e-journal issue)

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Jennifer Musial
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Call for Papers: Special theme issue of 'Reconstruction'

'Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture' is an open access,
peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing cultural studies work from
and established scholars worldwide.

We now invite submissions for our special-theme issue tentatively titled,
'Threatening Bodies: Nationalism, Sexuality, and Race.'

Different types of bodies threaten the status quo, through their physical
bodily practices, or embodied identities. Such bodies, when read as text,
seen as dangerous to the institution of heterosexuality, gender stability,
racialized identities, the nation, and the reproduction of future citizenry.
Often, for safety purposes, these bodies must move through spaces
This collection seeks to examine how various bodies both threaten the nation
and are simultaneously threatened by the nation. We invite papers that
the body through varied frameworks: as readable texts, as lived bodies, as
systems, as cultural constructions, etc. Ultimately, we want to investigate
how bodies threaten, trespass, spy, pass, "terrorize" and/or subvert the
and dominant ideas of citizenship.

Possible topics may include:

· transsexed and transgendered bodies
· passing while pregnant bodies
· sex working bodies
· bodies that have aborted fetuses
· racialized bodies
· closeted bodies
· spy/stealth operative bodies
· mental health survivors' bodies
· imperceptibly physically impaired bodies
· self-cutting bodies
· undocumented and illegal bodies
· modified and manipulated bodies

Completed papers must be submitted by August 1, 2006 to

Inquiries can be made to the same address.
Final journal to go online in January 2007.

Submission guidelines can be found here:

Jennifer Musial and Emily van der Meulen
School of Women's Studies, York University
4700 Keele St
Toronto ON, Canada
M3J 1P3

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat May 20 2006 - 10:08:39 EDT