CFP: The Australian Journal of Jewish Studies (no deadline noted; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Dr Dvir Abramovich
contact email: 

Call for Journal Submissions

The Australian Journal of Jewish Studies, 2006 edition.

The Australian Journal of Jewish Studies is a peer-reviewed publication
devoted to the study of Jewish culture, history, politics, literature,
religion, philopshy and thought in all aspects and periods. It is published

The editors are inviting additional submissions for its 2006 edition.

*The AJJS normally will accept contributions of 15,000 words (including

*Please include a short bio and an abstract of 150 words.

*Submissions should be sent as email attachments in a PC-readable format
(preferably MS Word, HTML or RTF).

All submission and enquires to:

Editor: Dr. Dvir Abramovich



 Title: Centred, spaced above texts

Headings: Align to left margin

Spacing: Double spacing

Margins: one inch

Quotations: block indent, single spacing

Quotation marks: Outside of periods and commas, e.g, "As far as I can
gather," he added, "none of this group is eligible to proceed to Australia."

Quotation marks: Double quotation for direct quotes and titles of articles.

Single quotation marks for quotes within quotes.

Foreign words: Italicised, e.g, halakhah. Does not apply to names, e.g, the
Yerushalmi or the Mishnah.

Endnotes: (Explanatory) Listed at the end of article; also used for complex
archival sources.

References in text: Book or article, e.g, (Davies 1982:87). For more than
one book/article in a year, e.g, (Rubinstein 1985b: 44).

Bibliography: Double space. Several publications by the same author are
listed in descending order, beginning with the most recent. The following
are examples of different kinds of bibliographic entries:

 Kadushin, Max, 1963. Worship and Ethics: A Study of Rabbinic Judaism.

Evanston, III. : Northwest University Press

Salomon, H.P 1982. "Sir Thomas Shirley's 'Project for the Jews': The
Earliest Known Proposal for Resettlement." Transactions of the Jewish
Historical Society of England, 27: 195-7.

----.. 1966. "The Jews in English Foreign Trade: A Consideration of the
'Philo Patriae' Pamphlets of 1753, " in J.M Shaftesley (ed.), Remember the

Days: Essays on Anglo-Jewish History Presented to Cecil Roth. London: Kegan

Paul: 123-45.


Dr Dvir Abramovich
The Jan Randa Senior Lecturer in Hebrew & Jewish Studies
Centre for Jewish History and Culture
The University of Melbourne
Victoria, Australia, 3010

Editor: Australian Journal of Jewish Studies

Telephone: 613 8344 3789
Fax: 613 8344 0194

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Received on Sat May 20 2006 - 10:08:41 EDT
