CFP: Anchoritic Society (9/15/06; Kalamazoo, 5/10/07-5/13/07)

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Call for Papers


International Anchoritic Society sessions


42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies

Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI

May 10-13, 2007


The International Anchoritic Society will organize three sessions for
the 42nd Congress:


1. Claire of Assisi: In cooperation with the producers of the
series of short films, Mystic Women of the Middle Ages, we will show one
of their films, 24-minutes in length, devoted to Claire of Assisi, and
present three papers on the subject of Claire and her relationship to
the anchoritic and mystic tradition. =20


2. Communication with the Self/Cell: Can You Hear Me Now?: seeks to
examine the discursive and often metaphysical conflation between the
anchorite and the anchoritic cell and the means by which the anchorite
communicates with the self/Other.


3. Hermit Meets Anchoress: seeks to identify and examine the
arbitrariness of the categories of 'hermit' and 'anchorite' and examine
the hazy area between the two within the history of anchoritism, both
insular and non-insular.


Papers should be no longer than twenty minutes in length.


Deadline: September 15, 2006


Please include with your abstract: Name and Affiliation, Email address,
Postal address, Telephone number, A/V requirements (if any)


Contact: Susannah Chewning

                        Department of English

                        Union County College

                        1033 Springfield Avenue

                        Cranford, NJ 07016



Please go to the Medieval Institute's website for more information about
the conference at

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat May 27 2006 - 13:26:44 EDT