CFP: Anti-Heroes (9/10/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/3/07)
"The Anti-Hero: Because Good Doesn't Have to Be Nice"
A panel at the 2007 convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association=
March 1-3, Baltimore MD.
This panel examines the meaning and significance of the "anti-hero" in
popular fiction. The anti-hero, while he or she may ultimately "save the
day," does not live by the same set of rules as the traditional heroic
figure. Sometimes, such characters serve ultimately noble ends but employ
the most despicable tactics, bringing sharply into focus the perennial
question, "does the end justify the means?" In other cases--here Donaldson'=
'Thomas Covenant' is paradigmatic--the anti-hero's inevitable destiny
carries the character along despite her/his most dreadful character flaws
and self-absorption. Often, these anti-heroes suggest that real "purity" is
not only unlikely, but also potentially dangerous. The panel sets out to
explore these themes.
Please submit abstracts or papers considering the role of the 'anti-hero' i=
popular fiction. Work in all genres will be accepted, but examinations of
the high fantasy anti-hero ( e.g. Elric of Melnibone, Thomas Covenant the
Unbeliever) are especially appreciated. Email proposals to
Proposals received later than September 10 will not be considered.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat May 27 2006 - 13:27:02 EDT