CFP: Journal of Radical Art, Theory and Criticism (ongoing; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Dylan Miner
contact email: 

Another [Art] World: A Journal of Radical Art, Theory and Criticism
Recent developments in the =91art market=92 have forced artists to think =
beyond exhibiting their works in galleries and museums. These same =20
changes situate biennials and art fairs as the reified site where =20
artists position their work in relation to globalizing economies and =20
hegemonic discourses. Inversely, the market has also created =20
supplementary spaces where artists from the so-called margins may =20
enter into dialogue with those at the center. Nonetheless, this =20
trajectory continues to expand in an extremely inequitable direction, =20=

parallel to the global expansion of capitalism. In turn, artists are =20=

forced to either pimp themselves within the confines of difference or =20=

speak through the monotonous language of =91contemporary art.=92 =20
Unfortunately, neither of these avenues are sufficient. As artists =20
and critics, we must continue to expand how and where art may =20
potentially function.
Operating outside of elite spaces, many artists and activists have =20
raised their collective voices in resistance to the oppressive =20
tactics of expanding globalization and continued [neo]colonial =20
imperialism. While most journals have been co-opted by the ambiguous =20=

droning of post-structuralism and its affiliated epistemologies, A =20
[A] W engages its=92 audience with critical writings that are not =20
afraid to question the complexities of contemporary art, particularly =20=

art that operates outside the mainstream markets of circulation.
A [A] W will attempt to fill the absence of critically engaging =20
contemporary art history, criticism and theory by addressing these =20
issues head on. We believe that all hierarchies must be abolished, =20
including those that ghettoize contemporary artists who produce =20
overtly =91political=92 work. A [A] W hopes to bring a multi-vocal =20
perspective that is interested in a variety of topics loosely =20
considered art. Although aiming to produce high-quality scholarship =20
and theory, we do not identify as an academic journal and hope to =20
incorporate work by those marginalized by the =91ivory tower.=92
In the face of continued global oppression, A [A] W plans to bring to =20=

the fore art that problematizes and changes the hierarchies that =20
exist throughout the world. We not only hope to call into question =20
the faults of our collective worlds, we actively participate in their =20=

transformation. A [A] W believes in the power of art and is adamant =20
that another [art] world is possible.
We are currently accepting submissions that address contemporary art =20
and culture. A [A] W seeks all forms of essays and articles that =20
will begin to construct new forms of dialogic inquiry within the =20
contemporary [art] world. The focus of the journal, although global =20
in scope, will be on the cultural continuity throughout the Americas.

Please email manuscripts as PDF or Word.
Campesina/o Collective
931 Buena Vista Dr. SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106

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Received on Sat May 27 2006 - 13:27:03 EDT
