CFP: The Heroic Age Issue 11 (11/1/06; journal issue)

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The Heroic Age Issue 11: Baghdad, Byzantium, Aachen, and
Early Medieval Reforms and Reformers

The late eighth and ninth centuries saw cultural and intellectual
revivals and renaissances that seemed to have proceeded from
East to
West. All are related in some way to each other, but they are
examined in the same context. Harun al-Rachid, Charlemagne, and
Alfred all sponsored reforms in their respective socieities,
were in
contact in some way with one another (or in Alfred's case, with
Charlemagne's grandson), and may have influenced one
another.<i> In
Byzantium c. 800 a renaissance was also occurring during the
iconoclast controversies under Empress Irene. The Empress was
to maintain contacts with al-Rachid and Charlemagne.

The Heroic Age invites submissions exploring these rulers, the
cultural revivals that occurred under their reigns, the factors
leading to those revivals, the long term results, and any possible
interplay or influence among them.

This issue will be <i>The Heroic Age</i>'s eleventh issue and is
planned for March 2007. Submissions will be received at any time,
but no later than Nov. 1, 2006. For submission guidelines see Submissions should be sent to Larry Swain,

Papers addressing ANY issue or topic of interest within the
of the journal are encouraged and welcomed at any time; there
is no
need to adhere to the proposed topic.

The Heroic Age publishes the following types of materials:

          * Feature Articles
          * Editions and Translations
          * History by Biography
          * Book Reviews
          * Film and Television Reviews

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat May 27 2006 - 13:27:08 EDT