CFP: Writing by Degrees 2006: The 9th Annual National Graduate Creative Writing Conference (grad) (8/1/06; 10/19/06-10/21/06)
Writing by Degrees 2006: The 9th Annual National Graduate Creative Writing
Binghamton, New York¡XBinghamton University, SUNY
Keynote Speakers, Steve Almond (fiction), Timothy Liu (poetry), Suzanne
Paola Antonetta (creative non-fiction)
Conference Date: October 19-21, 2006
Submmission Deadline: August 1, 2006
Writing by Degrees is seeking creative and academic submissions
demonstrating or contemplating the craft of writing. All applicants must
be currently enrolled as graduate students in order to be eligible.
Submissions may fall into one of the below categories.
Creative Submissions
Poetry submissions should be 10 pages. Creative prose, fiction, or
creative non-fiction, should be of a length to be read within a 20-minute
period (roughly 10-12 pages); please submit entire piece to be read. There
are no restrictions on subject matter or form¡Xsend us your highest
quality work. Translations are also welcome..
Note: Authors of creative submissions accepted by Writing by Degrees will
be invited to submit the works to a special edition of the journal Harpur
Palate; although acceptance for publication is not guaranteed.
Academic Submissions
Please submit a 1- or 2-page abstract. Possible Academic Submission Topics:
"X The craft and/or practice of writing
"X Creative Writing pedagogy
"X Creative Writing and composition
"X Experimentation in poetry or fiction
Hardcopy submissions may be sent to:
Writing by Degrees
Directors: Deborah Poe, Cannon Roberts, Holly Wendt
Department of English
Binghamton University
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000
Hardcopy submissions will only be returned upon request, and if
accompanied by a self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage. Writing
by Degrees no longer acccepts email submissions. Please address questions
to You can also review our Web site: (further updates on the
Web site can be expected throughout the summer).
Note: Upon acceptance of your submission, there will be a $50 conference fee.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat May 27 2006 - 13:27:16 EDT