CFP: AMS-LGBTQ Study Group: Bisexuality in Music (9/1/06; journal issue)
> Bisexuality in Music: A Call for Papers
> For much of its history, bisexuality has barely been recognized as
> a legitimate topic for historical or theoretical
> discourse of any sort. Indeed, for many, bisexuality has often
> seemed little more than a question, at best.
> "Does bisexuality really even exist?" Only within the last decade
> or so has scholarship in the humanities begun
> to acknowledge, theorize and historicize this seemingly liminal
> aspect of human identity. Music scholarship in
> particular, much of which continues to perpetuate heterosexual-
> homosexual dichotomies, has yet to adequately
> acknowledge bisexuality, its place, histories and theories in
> music. In an effort to address this obvious lacuna,
> the editors and board members of the LGBTQ Study Group of the
> American Musicological Society propose
> the next issue of The Newsletter be devoted to the topic of
> Bisexuality in Music.
> General questions we wish to pose for this special issue include:
> Does bisexuality exist in music?
> If so, how so?
> In what ways and in what permutations do we encounter bisexuality
> in music?
> Do these permutations follow queer pathways, or rather their own?
> We invite submissions on all aspects of bisexuality and music
> and offer the following rubrics as suggestions for essay topics:
> bisexuality and its significance to the lives of musicians;
> the musical performance of bisexuality;
> bisexuality and voice;
> popular music and bisexuality;
> operatic bisexuality/bisexual opera;
> historiographies of music and bisexuality;
> exploring analytical theories and methodologies of bisexuality and
> music.Suggestions, questions and submissions may be sent by
> September 1, 2006 to:
> Robert Torre
> Rose Theresa
> Robert Torre
> Ph.D. Student
> Musicology
> University of Wisconsin, Madison
> 843-267-4267
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Jun 07 2006 - 10:15:07 EDT