CFP: Fin de Siècle Seminar, 1870-1920 (UK) (7/1/06; 10/12/06-6/30/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Sarah Davison

CFP: Fin de Siècle Seminar, 1870-1920 (UK) (7/1/06; 10/12/06 – 6/30/07)

Fin de Siècle is an interdisciplinary seminar series based at the University of
Oxford which aims to develop fresh perspectives on literature, society, and the
arts in England between 1870 and 1920. In the six years since its inception,
the series has provided a vibrant forum for both graduates and established
academics, hosting presentations on subjects as diverse as the 'Aesthetic
Eighties', Jerome K. Jerome and the rise of the literary professional, Oscar
Wilde and archaeology, trouble-making in George Moore's fiction, Robert
Bridges's classical poetry, and the aesthetics of smell in literature and art.

Fin de Siècle has attracted the notice of a broad community of researchers both
within and outside Oxford, who value its atmosphere of rigorous scholarly

We are currently inviting papers for the 2006-7 academic year. Papers may vary
in length between thirty minutes and one hour. If you would like to present
your work, be included on the Fin de Siècle mailing list, or make further
enquiries, please contact Sarah Davison, St Anne's College, University of
Oxford, OX2 6HS, UK, tel.: 07816033095, email:
Proposals (of no more than 200 words) must be received before 1st July 2006.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Jun 07 2006 - 11:24:33 EDT
